Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back with a barely audible fizzling noise.

I know, it's been a while, but I doubt any of you were holding your breath, if, indeed, this is even being read. Anyway, If you were holding your breath, may ye rest in peace.

After that delightful segway into a new article, allow me to give you some pointless information about the goings- on in my life that you probably don't give a damn about, but will read anyway, assuming of course that the only people reading this are my friends, who're just being polite and/or supportive.

My two- year stay at SIMS, Pune, begins soon, from where I will be doing my MBA. But that is completely irrelevant. SIMS has apparently gained fame, or rather infamy, for it's rigorous student orientation pogrom- sorry, program, organised and conducted by our seniors. The program involves a carefully planned process of physical and mental torment, which will build our respective characters up to the point where we will be able to inflict the same upon our juniors, sans guilt.

Before I go on to crib about it further, take a look at the schedule posted on facebook by one of the student council members:

Ok..Juniors.. as most of you must be wondering what's gonna happen in the ORIENTATION... here's what your normal day will be like...
4:00 AM : Good morning, Wake up time
4:30 AM-5:30 AM: Morning JOG(cannot be missed)
5:30 AM-6:30 AM: Morning Exercise
6:30 AM-7:30 AM: YOGA
8:00 AM-11:00 AM: SESSION1(Academic Subj)
11:00 AM-2:00 PM: SESSION2(Academic Subj)
2:00 PM-2:15 PM: LUNCH
2:15 PM-4:15 PM: ASSIGNMENT1(Presentation)
4:15 PM-6:15 PM: ASSIGNMENT2(Projects)
6:15 PM-8:15 PM: AUDI SESSION1
8:15 PM-8:30 PM: DINNER
8:30 PM-10:30 PM: AUDI SESSION2(No its no late night movie going on)
10:30 PM-2.30 AM: HW CORRECTION SESSION(toughest of all)
2:30 AM-4:00 AM: SLEEP(or rather finish your next day's assignments if you
want a brighter next day)

Now, I have considered the possibility that this might merely be an attempt to frighten us hapless freshers, but alas, I know a couple of people who've passed out from SIMS, and to hear them tell it, it's pretty accurate.

And i'm more eager than apprehensive about the whole thing. After the last three years of doing absolutely nothing of value, and being a complete and utter waste of space, it thrills me to be presented with a challenge of some sort, more importantly, one that I can't talk my way out of. Hell, I don't even play video games without cheat codes. 

Also, this is the first time I'm going to be staying in a hostel for an extended period of time.

I can't wait!

And I'm sorry if you weren't expecting something like a diary entry. I promise my next post(if there is one) will be something as idiotic and random as befits my nature.

Thanks for reading, people.

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